Accelerated Reader

  1. What is Accelerated Reader (AR)?
    AR is a program in which students read a book that is part of a large database and take a comprehension test on the computer. The books your child brings home from the library are AR books. The tests on the computer have anywhere from 5-10 questions, depending on the skill level of the book.
  2. Why do the books my child brings home seem so easy?
    At the beginning of the year, your child was tested using Star Reading to evaluate their reading level. The books your child checks out of the library are based on these test results. You will receive a copy and an explanation of these results in your child’s first quarter report card.
  3. How does my child move up a reading level?
    An AR report is generated once a week to check how many tests the students have taken and successfully passed (80% or higher). Students move up to the next reading level after they successfully pass three tests. The library staff will encourage the students to check out books from the next level.
  4. How is AR used in the classroom?
    Students are given opportunities to take AR tests in the classroom. My goal is for the students to read the library books they check out and take an AR test on them before their next trip to the library.
  5. How do I know if my child is taking AR tests at school
    Your child is responsible for recording the A.R. test in the back of the planner.
  6. What can I do to help my child with this process?
    You can read with your child every night, talk to him/her about taking AR tests, and check the planner to make sure he/she is taking AR tests. You can even send a reminder note for your child to take an AR test after he/she completes a book.