Support a Local Orlando Business on National Ice Cream Day

ice cream cone with pink background

Ice cream is essential for getting through Florida summers, especially for kids (and kids at heart)! On National Ice Cream Day — Sunday, July 18th — ice cream shops go all out with special flavors and deals. One great way to celebrate this holiday is by supporting local businesses here in Orlando. Here are a few great options that aren’t far from our Orlando private school: 

The Greenery Creamery 

The Greenery Creamery, an Asian-owned ice cream shop, calls itself “Orlando’s first artisanal ice cream boutique.” With a variety of locally sourced dairy and plant-based ice cream options, you’re sure to find flavors you and your child enjoy. If you have adventurous taste, this is the place to go. While flavors like sweet cream and cookies and cream can be found, there are also options like guava, blueberry lavender and black ash coconut. You can find this shop at their original Downtown Orlando location or at their newer location in Downtown Sanford. 



woman in pink apron handing ice cream cone

Kelly’s Homemade Ice Cream 

Another great handcrafted option in Orlando is Kelly’s Homemade Ice Cream, with locations in Audubon Park, Fern Creek and Oviedo. All of their ice cream is handmade in Orlando. This ice cream shop offers classic flavors like chocolate and strawberry, as well as fun flavors like maple bourbon bacon and rose almond pistachio. In addition to their staple flavors, they have a rotating special menu that includes non-dairy options. 

ice cream in bins

Sperry Deli & Creamery 

Named after Orlando Mayor Frank Ezra Sperry, who served in the early 1900s, Sperry Deli & Creamery recently opened in Thornton Park near Lake Eola. This deli serves Boars Head products and a variety of ice cream flavors. Most of the flavors fall under the typical ice cream shop repertoire. Along with ice cream shop favorites like vanilla, chocolate, cookies and cream and cookie dough, they offer sorbets and low-fat flavors. This is a great place to go if you’re looking for a plain and simple ice cream experience.

purple popsicles on pink background

The Pop Parlour 

While The Pop Parlor is not an ice cream shop per se, their popsicles are perfect for cooling down on a summer day. Along with homemade popsicles, they offer specialty coffee drinks and tea, so there’s something for everyone. Like The Greenery Creamery and Sperry Deli & Creamery, The Pop Parlor started in Downtown Orlando, right next to Lake Eola. It has since expanded to UCF and will soon be opening a Texas location. 

At St. Charles Borromeo, we emphasize the importance of service to the community, which includes supporting small businesses. Teachers work hard to guide students toward academic and spiritual growth. Our Orlando private school located in the Catholic Diocese of Orlando is more than just a place to learn; it’s a community. Our staff is committed to proclaiming the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ. We believe in teaching the whole child and want students to love learning, helping them grow into well-rounded, contributing members of society. Learn more about us by contacting us here.

Ways to Volunteer from Home

Service is a major part of the Catholic religion. Therefore, at St. Charles Borromeo, an Orlando Catholic school, our curriculum emphasizes ways to give back to the community. We have developed a list of ways your child can volunteer even while social distancing at home!

Coronavirus Care Packages
Contact your local homeless shelter to check in. Ask the shelter if they need any coronavirus supplies for their residents to remain safe, including masks, hand sanitizer, hand soap, disinfectant cleaners, and more. You can even make coronavirus care packages for anyone who is homeless that you may meet outside!

Grocery Bags
Some families are not visiting the grocery store right now or may be dealing with a financial crisis. Whether you’d like to visit the store or use a shopping service, donating grocery bags is an essential way of giving back to those in need. Fill the bags up with healthy and nutritious foods that can help combat viruses! Find a food bank near you on Feeding America’s website.

Adopt a Family
Adopt a family with children and have your child present during the process. Search for families online or through a faith group. Shop for the families and send them presents during the holidays! Online shopping makes it easier to stay safe with no-contact delivery. Demonstrating this sort of kindness teaches your child to be compassionate and loving towards other families that may be less fortunate.

Healthcare Contributions
In the event a person becomes sick, they may not have access to healthcare. Some healthcare centers may be unable to accommodate the growing patient population. Help ensure a healthy outcome for patients by paying for a bill or donating to agencies that collect funds for the low-income. Teach your child that a small gesture like this can have a life-impacting result!

St. Charles Borromeo, an Orlando Catholic school located in the Catholic Diocese of Orlando, is more than just a place to learn; it’s a community. Our staff is committed to proclaiming the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ. We believe in teaching the whole child and want students to love learning, helping them grow into well-rounded, contributing members of society. To help provide the very best Catholic education to students — present and future, please consider contributing a gift to our Spirit of Giving Annual Fund. Learn more about us by contacting us here.

Summertime Service Ideas

Summer is a great opportunity to get into the spirit of giving. Volunteering as a family shows your children how to make a difference, and it will make them feel good. St. Charles Borromeo, an Orlando Catholic school, has a list of ways to give back to the community this summer.

Fill Grocery Bags With Food
Gather non-perishable items and place them in reusable grocery bags your family decorated. Hunger projects encourage team building and strengthen bonds. Feeding America has a food bank locator to find a drop-off location.

Bundle Blessing Bags for the Homeless
Orlando Union Rescue Mission has an excellent guide to creating care packages for those in need. Even the simplest care kits can go a long way for a homeless person. Fill it up with the essentials, such as toothpaste, deodorant, socks, brushes, and snacks. Donating the items with your child gives them a lasting impression.

Do Yard Work
There is probably an elderly person in your neighborhood that can’t do their own yard work. This is a good opportunity for your child to develop work skills and encourage them to care for the elderly. Recruit a team of your child’s friends, so he feels more encouraged to do it and see it as fun. Have them work as a team with assigned tasks — shoveling and weeding, mowing the lawn, and raking the leaves.

Adopt a Family
Adopting a family for the holidays instills a sense of kindness, giving, and faith in your children. After you apply, you’ll be matched with a recipient — a low-income child or family who needs resources. Brainstorm gift ideas with your family once you learn of the child’s specifics, such as age and gender. Then, it’s time to go shopping! Contact the local Catholic Charities to find your match.

Help an Animal Shelter
This should be an easy activity for those who already have pets, and it teaches your children how to be responsible for them! Visit your local animal shelter to assist with walking the dogs, cleaning the cages and litter boxes, and just playing with the animals. Donations are always appreciated as well if you want to go the extra mile.

When you’re done, discuss what you did, how it made your family feel, and what they learned. Build their enthusiasm and let them choose which service project they want to do next time!

St. Charles Borromeo, an Orlando Catholic school, is more than just a place to learn; it’s a community. Our staff is committed to proclaiming the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ. We believe in teaching the whole child and want students to love learning, helping them grow into well-rounded, contributing members of society. Learn more about us by contacting us here.

How to Prepare for Summer Camp

If you registered your children for summer camp, you may be feeling apprehensive about them being on their own. St. Charles Borromeo, an Orlando Catholic school, has the tips you need to prepare for summer camp and to ensure your children have the best experience ever.

Talk About It
Get your children excited about camp by sharing your own childhood camp experiences or involving them in the planning process. Read the brochures and websites together, and show them some of the experiences they can look forward to. By focusing on the positive, you are reducing their anxiety.

Pack Sentimental Items
Pack one or two gentle reminders from home, such as a teddy bear or a family photograph, to make them feel comfortable while away.

Inform the Camp Director of Any Medical Concerns
Before you send your children off, make sure you get their physical exam. Let the camp director know in advance about any allergies or medical concerns. If it’s a chronic condition, consider a camp that is specific to your child’s needs.

No Sharing
Remind your children not to share brushes, hats, or helmets during their camp stay. Let them know they can get lice from sharing.

Label everything you are sending your children to camp with. The children rarely stay organized at camp, and they can mix their stuff up with their tent mates. In a big pile of clothes, it’s easier to sort if the clothing has their name on it. For younger campers, try color coding!

Keep Goodbyes Short and Sweet
Get them settled in and be on your way! Long, emotional goodbyes can increase your child’s anxiety. As difficult as it is, giving them a quick kiss, hug, and promise to be in touch is better for their transition into camper mode.

Prepare for Homesickness
Your child may feel homesickness during camp. Reassure them it’s common, especially for first-time campers. Leading up to their getaway, let them know that being sad and having emotions is both normal and healthy and that the staff is there to help.

Make Communication Positive and Easy
Become your child’s pen pal. Pack notecards, envelopes, and stamps and give them a schedule for phone calls and emails. Explain to them how easy it is to contact you, and that they should share the good and the bad. In the event you receive a negative correspondence, it is days old and your child is most likely in a happier place now. Reply back in a positive, upbeat way.

St. Charles Borromeo, an Orlando Catholic school, is more than just a place to learn; it’s a community. Our staff is committed to proclaiming the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ. We believe in teaching the whole child and want students to love learning, helping them grow into well-rounded, contributing members of society. Learn more about us by contacting us here.

Fall Recipes to Make With Your Child

One of the best ways to ring in the new season is with fall-themed sweets! As an Orlando private school, St. Charles Borromeo believes in spending intentional time with your children, and baking these treats together is the perfect bonding activity. Here are a couple of easy ideas that fit perfectly into a Saturday afternoon with the kids:

Pumpkin Seed Trail Mix

After carving pumpkins, you will likely have a lot of pumpkin seeds lying around! Try throwing them into this tasty mix. Preheat your oven to 300 degrees. Then help your child mix together 1 cup of pumpkin seeds, ¾th cup of raw sunflower seeds, 1 cup of slivered almonds, and 5 tablespoons maple syrup. Spread the mixture onto a lined cookie sheet, sprinkle with coarse salt, and bake for 20 minutes. You’ll need to stir the mix once or twice to make sure everything bakes evenly. Once out of the oven, break it into pieces and add in some dried fruit and white chocolate chips. Yum!

Candy Cornucopia

All you need to create this are ice cream cones and candy! Dip the bottom inch of a sugar cone into a glass of water, and then sprinkle a few extra drops of water into the cone as well. Stick each cone individually into the microwave for 30 seconds. While it’s warm and soft, take a pencil and twist the tip of the cone around it until it resembles the tip of a cornucopia. Leave the pencil there for a few seconds until the shape holds. Once you fill the cone with fall-themed candy, wrap the finished product in a baggie. Tie a verse on thankfulness, such as 1 Chronicles 16:34, to the baggie with an orange ribbon, and you have the perfect gift!

Fall Leaf Cookies

Add a seasonal twist to your favorite cookie recipe with food coloring and cookie cutters. Split your dough into three even sections and add red, orange, or yellow food coloring to each section. Now, split your colored balls into even smaller balls, piece them back together like a checkerboard, and roll out the dough. Finally, use a leaf cookie cutter to carve out fall-colored cookies.

We hope you enjoy making (and eating) these treats! Help your children practice measurements as they help with baking — this will help them apply skills they’re learning in the classroom in a way that’s fun and delicious. If you’re looking to enroll your children in an Orlando private school that values both education and faith, visit us at St. Charles Borromeo! We’d love to have you as part of our community.

Celebrate National Good Neighbor Day

September 28th is National Good Neighbor Day! As an Orlando private school, St. Charles Borromeo teaches our students to share the love of Jesus with everyone around them — and this holiday is the perfect time to do that. We aim to be good neighbors throughout the entire year, but we’re excited to take this opportunity to go above and beyond, especially as many neighborhoods welcome new families at the start of a school year.

Follow the Commandments

As Jesus explains in Matthew 22:36-39, the most important commandment is to love God, and the second is to love your neighbor as you would love yourself. On the surface level, it may be easy to assume He means that we should simply be kind to others, and while being kind is a good start, we can do better than that.

Take the First Step

Can you name all of your neighbors? You’d be surprised how many people are unaware of who lives right next door! Reach out to your neighbor, and introduce yourself. There’s a vulnerability that comes with putting yourself out there and taking that first step, but oftentimes, people are hoping someone else will take initiative — and that can be you.

The Little Things

You don’t have to do anything extravagant; in fact, the little things are often the most powerful. You and your children can bake homemade sweets to welcome your new neighbors to town, or invite them over for dinner. It’s also important to make yourself available. By simply being outside more, walking over to say hi while you’re both doing yard work, or just waving hi, you’re showing that you’re open to getting to know each other more! If your neighbor asks for your help, do as much as you can.

Show Interest in Them

And perhaps the most important: remember that your job is not to turn each conversation into a deep heart-to-heart on the Bible and religious beliefs. Show a genuine interest in their children, their aging parents, their dream to go back to school, and make plans to see that new movie that you both can’t wait for. Value the ordinary parts of people’s lives without feeling like you’ve got to “get to the church stuff,” and you’ll find an entirely new depth.

Go Beyond Your Neighborhood

Being a good neighbor doesn’t end when you drive off your street. Dedicate time and energy to helping out in your community. That can include planning a garage sale and donating the proceeds to charity, volunteering at a local nonprofit, or helping a friend at church fundraise for their mission trip.

We’re called to follow in His footsteps, and what better way to do this than to be warm, inviting neighbors? As an Orlando private school, our community aims to help our students embrace a kind and generous spirit. Find out more about our amazing school here!

Teaching Children to be Kind

A parent’s top priority is to teach children kindness and help them grow into wholesome adults. The staff at St. Charles Borromeo has the same vision, which is why we provide children with these stepping stones to follow in God’s footsteps.

Be an Example

To raise kind children we must first examine our own behavior. We can tell them to play nice with others, but it’s by watching how we treat people that they learn the true meaning. Remember that children look at us to learn how to maneuver social situations, and by setting a good example, they just might follow your lead.

Be Kind to Them

Children often have a very simple way of voicing what they do and do not want to do. This behavior is okay for most younger children, but as they grow older we can use it as a stepping stone to teach empathy. A lot can be accomplished by validating their feelings, talking through them, and then offering another point of view.

Reward Excess Kindness

We learn early in life that there’s a level of kindness that’s expected from everyone. We don’t give accolades for cleaning dishes or paying compliments to friends. However, when a child goes above and beyond what’s expected it should be rewarded, such as when they do extra chores or offer to donate their Christmas toys to charity.

Kindness is something that children can pick up from many places in their lives—from their parents, their friends, and even their school.

If you’re currently looking to enroll your children in an Orlando Catholic school, consider visiting us at St. Charles Borromeo. Through attention to our students’ educational and spiritual needs, we give them a strong foundation they need to grow into smart, compassionate adults who follow Him. If you want to learn more about our curriculum, you can find out more on our about us page.

Saint Spotlight: St. Charles Borromeo

The weather is getting cooler as we quickly approach the holiday season. In early November, it will be time for the Feast of St. Charles Borromeo. The students at St. Charles Borromeo would like to take a moment to remember our patron saint.

St. Charles Borromeo is the patron saint of bishops, cardinals, seminarians, and spiritual leaders. As you’ll see, he was a highly important figure of the Counter-Reformation in Italy. His dedication to God is something we all can learn from and embrace.

St. Charles Borromeo was appointed as a Cardinal and Archbishop of Milan in 1560 by his uncle, Pope Pius IV. His uncle relied upon him while directing the third convocation of the Council of Trent—and St. Charles Borromeo continued to maintain the Council’s decrees after it closed. This led him to be instrumental in the 1566 Roman Catechism.

After his uncle’s death, St. Charles Borromeo lived in Milan where he regularly visited more than 1,000 widely scattered parishes. He sought to apply the edicts of the Council of Trent to his own diocese by striving to end the sale of indulgences, reform monasteries, and simplify the interiors of ornate churches. His work didn’t end there—St. Charles Borromeo also fostered clerical education, established seminaries and colleges, and erected and entrusted colleges for lay students to the Jesuits.

St. Charles Borromeo was later overcome by political turmoil, including surviving an assassination attempt and pleading mercy for his attacker. However, his great work within his communities led him to retain the support of many religious congregations. His heroic behavior during the plague in 1576-1578 earned him even more support. Even during turmoil, he continued to be a blessing to the community in Milan by giving away much of his wealth to give food to the hungry and care for the sick.

Our community at St. Charles Borromeo hopes to be as helpful to others as St. Charles Borromeo was within his own community. As we approach the Feast of St. Charles Borromeo and remember his work, we will aim to follow in God’s footsteps and be blessings to those around us. If you have a similar vision and are looking for a Catholic school to help your children grow academically and spiritually, please consider visiting us at St. Charles Borromeo.


As a faith-filled community, St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School, an Orlando Catholic school, is committed to proclaiming the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ. We are cultivating responsible, respectful, trustworthy individuals who are confident in their knowledge and compassionate in His service. If you want to learn more about St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School, visit our blog page or contact us today!

Fostering the Growth in Your Child’s Relationship with God

Parents want to see their children grow up to be the best that they can be. This means that living up to their full academic potential is a priority—but that spirituality, and fostering a relationship with God, is equally as important. St. Charles Borromeo, an Orlando Catholic School, is dedicated to helping our students grow academically and spiritually. We believe this spiritual growth should be reinforced at home. We would like to give you a few simple ways that you can help foster your child’s relationship with God.

Nightly Prayers
At the end of the day, young children may be tired or lack the attention span to pray. However, this is a great time to help them refocus on God through prayer. Instead of jumping straight into prayer, ask them: What are they thankful for today? Is there something they’d like to tell God today? This will help them to think about their spirituality and be more invested in bedtime prayer.

Choose Faith-Filled Movies and Books
Children love stories, but if they’re forced to read or watch tales that they’re not interested in, they may start to resent engaging in these forms of entertainment. Luckily there are many movies and books that children often enjoy—for example, the movies “Noah’s Ark” and “The Prince of Egypt,” as well as stories in the book, A Children’s Bible. Let them choose which story they want to hear, and they’ll be more interested in its message.

Teach the Joy of Giving Over Receiving
Part of fostering a child’s relationship with God is helping them learn how to follow in his footsteps. One way to do this is to teach them to help others who are less fortunate. As we start approaching Christmas season, give them a small budget to buy a toy that they can donate to another child. Or, encourage them to donate one of their own toys that are in good condition.

Children learn fast. Building a strong spiritual foundation when they’re young can help them better follow God as they grow to be responsible and respectable adults. As an Orlando Catholic school, St. Charles Borromeo helps to form those important spiritual building blocks in students by incorporating faith into our academics. If you’re currently looking to enroll your child in a Catholic school, you can visit our about us page to learn more about what we offer.

Preparing For The Annunciation

The Annunciation is an important event that, as an Orlando Catholic school, we at St. Charles Borromeo would like to take the time to remember. Let’s take a few moments to look back on the moment of The Annunciation and the reasons why it means so much to us.

Annunciation is a fancy old way of saying “announcement,” and what a huge announcement this was; The Annunciation celebrates the day that Gabriel announced to Mary that she would birth the Son of God. This day is usually celebrated on March 25th, nine months before Christmas. This is meant to be symbolic of the length of a pregnancy.

While the announcement itself is important, what we can learn from is Mary’s complete trust in Him. She does not doubt Gabriel when he announces her pregnancy. Instead, she asks how such an event will occur. Although she is legally married, she is still a virgin, and, considering the nature of her question, it may be implied that she is assuming she will have a virgin birth. Gabriel explains that all three Persons of the Trinity will make the birth possible—nothing is impossible with God.

This is not an easy thing to accept or agree to. The pregnancy could tarnish Mary’s social status and potentially strain her relationship with Joseph. Others would assume that her pregnancy would have been caused by unfaithfulness. This task would certainly bring her suffering, both known and unknown. She could anticipate the stress on her social status, but she had no way of knowing that the Crucifixion of her child was yet to come. Despite this, Mary entrusts herself entirely to God’s will. Through God, she had free will to choose her own path, and she chose to trust in Him.

As we approach The Annunciation, let’s remember the strength that it took for the Virgin Mary to trust in God so completely. Let’s remember the struggles thereafter that led to our salvation. And, in our day to day lives, let’s do our best to emulate that level of trust and devotion in His plan for us.

As an Orlando Catholic school, St. Charles Borromeo attends to the spiritual needs of our students so they can learn to trust in Him. If you’re looking for a faith-filled school that prioritizes both educational and spiritual needs, please consider visiting our community. You can read our about us page for more information about our community and what we stand for.
