Scholarship Opportunities for Prospective Students of St. Charles Borromeo

14716302_1185536744853430_6335873858803762709_nHigh academic standards in a constructive environment is a clear benefit of enrolling your child in an Orlando private school. Catholic schools are an amazing value for the cost; however, the price can be off-putting for some families. We at St. Charles Borromeo understand that students should not be denied a quality education because of affordability. We work with a number of scholarship organizations to help families in need to send their children to St. Charles Borromeo. Here are the variety of opportunities we offer for scholarships.

A.A.A. Scholarship Foundation and Step Up For Students

St. Charles Borromeo has partnered with two Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Programs for low-income families eligible for aid: the A.A.A. Scholarship Foundation and Step Up For Students. Both of these nonprofit scholarship funding organizations are dedicated to assisting parents in selecting the best possible school for their child. While you are allowed to apply to both of these programs for financial aid, you can only accept assistance through one program.

McKay and Gardiner Scholarships

St. Charles Borromeo believes that students with disabilities should not be left behind. The McKay and Gardiner (formally PLSA) scholarships are state-funded programs that assist students with disabilities in getting the quality education they deserve. The McKay Scholarship gives students who have previously attended a public school the opportunity to enroll in a private school. The Gardiner Scholarship Program helps students to purchase the services or products that they need for their education. Both of these scholarship programs have their own guidelines that St. Charles Borromeo adheres to.

FACTS Tuition and Aid

While the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program has been beneficial for many students, not every student in need qualifies. It is possible to not qualify for the program yet still be in need. If you fall into this category, don’t worry—you still have opportunities to send your children to a quality school. For students who have been turned down from the Florida Tax Credit scholarship program, St. Charles Borromeo offers tuition assistance through the endowment fund based on their demonstrated need.

As you can see, there are numerous options available to help your children enroll in an Orlando private school. A quality education is important for a child’s future, so don’t hesitate to apply to these programs if you are in need of assistance to enroll your children at St. Charles Borromeo. Please visit our scholarships page for more information about these programs, including program guidelines and links to apply to each program.