5 Saints Who Help Us Celebrate Diversity


Diversity runs deep within the roots of the Catholic Church. Tracing back to St. Peter and St. Paul, we see examples of unification and diversity as they each served our Lord differently. This diversity has evolved over the years, with a growing recognition and celebration of the diversity within the Church and the richness it brings to our faith. As the Church grew to other parts of the world, it became increasingly diverse in terms of race, ethnicity, culture and language. At St. Charles Borromeo, we celebrate the diversity of all our families and look to these saints who are shining examples of expanding diversity of our Catholic faith.


St. Augustine of Hippo 

Augustine was an African bishop and a respected theologian in the 4th and 5th centuries. He authored “The City of God,” which described an eternal city that was stable and welcomed all, unlike the unsettled governments of his time. He was a key figure in the development of Western philosophy and influenced the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas and René Descartes.

St. Teresa of Avila 

St. Teresa was a Spanish mystic and writer in the 16th century. She is best known for her autobiography, “The Book of My Life,” in which she detailed the struggles of women living in a male-dominated society and religious order. She reformed the Carmelite Order after determining it was lax in its contemplative prayer, with those in the Order not living as austerely as they should have. Her writings helped to shape the Carmelite Order as we know it today. 

St. Josephine Bakhita

Born into Sudanese slavery, Bakhita became a religious sister in the late 19th century. She went on to become a symbol for anti-slavery and was canonized in 2000. She lived a simple, humble life, devoted to the care of others, particularly children, and promoted peace and reconciliation among different cultures and religions. Her devotion to our Lord and her ability to forgive those who had harmed her in the past, including her former slave masters, were important contributions to her canonization.

St. Katharine Drexel 

Katharine Drexel was an American heiress and philanthropist who became a religious sister and founded the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, a congregation of women dedicated to the education of African American and Native American children. Using her family fortune, she built schools and missions for these neglected communities. She fought for social justice and racial equality throughout her life. She was canonized in 2000, making her the second American-born saint and the first person of African-American and Native American heritage to do so.

St. Oscar Romero

Oscar Romero was an Archbishop in El Salvador. He is known for his work advocating for the poor and marginalized and for his outspoken opposition to the country’s military dictatorship. He was assassinated in 1980 while celebrating Mass.

St. Charles Borromeo

Our school’s namesake is recognized by the Catholic Church because of his exemplary life and his dedication to serving the poor and promoting Church reform during the 16th century. He worked to counter the Protestant Reformation and is known for his efforts to improve the training and education of priests. He is considered the patron saint of catechists and seminary students. 


Our Orlando Catholic school located in the Diocese of Orlando, is more than just a place to learn; it’s a diverse community. Our staff is committed to proclaiming the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ. We believe in teaching the whole child and want students to love learning, helping them grow into well-rounded, contributing members of society. Learn more about us by contacting us here.

How To Encourage Your Child To Be Active At Home

Many children spend the majority of their days looking at a screen. Granted, a lot of this interaction between technology and children is for educational purposes. As summer approaches, it’s a good time to break up your child’s time on the screen and get them up and moving. Learn about ways you can encourage your child to be active without using technology. 


Providing Alternative Activities

Start by taking it old school, teaching your child games that you used to play as a child. This will help them to feel connected to you and allow them to learn about games that are new to them. Some activities to consider are building Lego forts, teaching your child a new skill, and playing board games like Monopoly or Scrabble! These may be old-school activities, but they allow your child to interact with the whole family and learn problem-solving skills. 


Starting a Technology Fast

A part of our walk in faith is fasting and prayer. Introducing a technology fast to your children is a great way to get them to take a break from their screens and get them into the Bible. Just like we fast from food, we are able to fast from technology by setting limits or fully removing it from our lives. This is a great way to get your child to explore their faith more deeply and understand what fasting is like. 


Creating a Bucket List or Competition

Humans are competitive in nature. Proposing a bucket list or competition for your child will allow them to develop a spirit of fun to not use technology. Creating a bucket list of activities like building forts, decorating contests and baking would make your child look forward to being off of their devices. Having family competitions like relay races and artistic challenges would be a fun way to get everyone involved and in good spirits.  

Getting out in Nature

Depending on where you live, you can get your kids out in nature doing fun activities after school and during summer break. Going on excursions to amusement parks or nature walks is a great way to decompress as a family. Fishing and swimming are two activities that are both relaxing and will be able to keep the screens away. 


In a world that is stuck on the screen, we know how important it is to find ways to engage children outside of technology. That’s why our Orlando Catholic school, located in the Catholic Diocese of Orlando, encourages children to be active when they are at home. Our staff is committed to proclaiming the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ. We believe in teaching the whole child and want students to love learning, helping them grow into well-rounded, contributing members of society. Learn more about us by contacting us here.